
Showing posts from October, 2021

Entry #6. Understanding the Madness

                                               Do you ever ask yourself why people enjoy watching sad, violent, gory movies? You may be someone that does like watching these types of movies, and so am I. However, do you ever really try to understand why they are so appealing to some of us? It does not seem like they would be, but somehow people are drawn to them. Let us take a look at several movies and shows that are very popular, but might cause some to wonder why they are.      "Stranger Things" is a show that is insanely popular. Rotten Tomatoes audience score is at 96%! How can this be? There are many sad deaths and gory scenes. So why do people like this? There are some simple reasons people are drawn to this show, reasons such as, friendship within the show, excitement, and curiosity. However, there are many details that seem like they should be turning people away. People see death after death, but still seem to come back for more. I believe it is because the audience

Entry #5. To buy or not to buy

                                        Do you ever have those moments when you are watching an ad and forget that it is just an ad? When you get so caught up in it, that you forget to be annoyed with how it interrupted the video or show you were watching? Sometimes ads pull you in with how engaging they are. How do they do it? How are they able to influence you so much with just a few clips and words? Let us take a look at what exactly made this ad from Allstate so effective.           Throughout the ad  it shows the actor as a cat. He is seen causing problems left and right. He leaves the tap on, causing the ceiling to cave in, knocks a candle over, and eats a pet bird. It is a very comical ad, and engaging to watch. They do not just end with the havoc caused by the "cat", but with a satisfying conclusion saying, "So get Allstate and be better protected from mayhem." The creators of this ad are wanting the audience to feel not only amused, but also safe. They are

Entry #4. For the Love of Books

                                                                                 How is it that the books are always better than the movies? There is a lot that goes behind that idea, whether they be obvious or not. To most people it is common knowledge that the books are better. To others, it may seem as though the books are not. However, let me share with you some of the plain, and not so plain, reasons why books are so regarded as highly superior.       Books are usually very descriptive which allows us to get lost in our imagination. With books we get caught-up in them, their world, and their characters. The authors are able to go into so much more detail than any screen writer ever could. Authors describe a scene to you and you create the image in your mind. Reading is stimulating. When  reading books, we work our brains which allows us to be more engaged.  While with movies or shows, we are presented with scenes and actors to look at, causing us to have a more passive experience.

Entry #3. Coming in Clutch

                                          Do you ever lack the confidence to put yourself out there? Maybe it is something that is a huge deal, like a job interview for your dream job. Or maybe it is just something small like a first date. You feel like you have done everything to be prepared, but you are just missing something. Let me tell you a story, and tell me if it helps.        Sweaty palmed, dry mouthed, and shaky handed. You are at the end of your date and you feel like it is about time to make a move. However, you just felt a sudden rush of anxiety because the food you ordered earlier is not doing your breath any favors. Your date turns away for a moment, and now is your chance. You open up the small tin box you have in your bag. It feels cool against your fingertips. You try to be discreet but there is a little metallic pop, and then a *creeaak* sound as the hinges rub together. Quickly pushing aside the crackly white paper surrounding the contents of the box, you pop one in