Entry #3. Coming in Clutch

                                     Art of Daniel Tal — A story beat for a weekly prompt. First date at a...

    Do you ever lack the confidence to put yourself out there? Maybe it is something that is a huge deal, like a job interview for your dream job. Or maybe it is just something small like a first date. You feel like you have done everything to be prepared, but you are just missing something. Let me tell you a story, and tell me if it helps.  

    Sweaty palmed, dry mouthed, and shaky handed. You are at the end of your date and you feel like it is about time to make a move. However, you just felt a sudden rush of anxiety because the food you ordered earlier is not doing your breath any favors. Your date turns away for a moment, and now is your chance. You open up the small tin box you have in your bag. It feels cool against your fingertips. You try to be discreet but there is a little metallic pop, and then a *creeaak* sound as the hinges rub together. Quickly pushing aside the crackly white paper surrounding the contents of the box, you pop one into your mouth and wait for the magic to happen. As the white circle of sugary goodness sits on your tongue, you feel the strong fresh taste quickly disperse throughout your mouth. You even feel it in your nose. The cool, icy, vibrant flavor is just what you needed. It starts to dissolve more and more by the second as your tingling salivary glands spread the bright chilling taste to every corner of your mouth. Soon it is gone, but the fresh feeling still lingers. It is perfect timing because now the real chance has presented itself to make your move. Your date turns toward you and you lean in for the kiss, free of worry. 


  1. Hi Liberty, it was interesting to see how you did your blog and I learned another point of a way I could have done it. I love the way you describe how the date went and the way that the girl took the mint. I can already picture how the date went because the way you wrote your blog was easy to understand.

  2. Hi Liberty, I think you did a great job showing how bringing mints on a date can be a total lifesaver, and it felt like I was there involved with the date. Also, your description of how the mints felt in your mouth was super creative and clear.

  3. Hello there liberty I wanted to say that I enjoyed reading your blog. You made this situation so relatable. I’ve heard people say that their relationship could’ve gone wrong if it wasn’t for mints. Thanks to their existence, mints have saved many peoples day or relationships. I could not imagine what goes through peoples mind when they don’t pop in a mint after eating something pungent, but i’m glad this one came out smooth.

  4. Hello Liberty, you did a great job with this blog. Great job setting up and providing a story about a romantic date. It started from that and led it to describing the mint. Also, great use of onomatopoeia with "creeaak." You provided excellent use of adjectives like "cool, icy, vibrant, tingling, salivary", etc. in which it made it easier from the beginning to know what you were talking about. Overall great job, Liberty.

  5. Creative and engaging delivery as evidenced by the feedback from your peers.


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