
Showing posts from September, 2021

Entry #2. Understanding Yourself

    Ever have a situation where you get triggered, seemingly for no reason, by someone's response; or maybe something causes you unexpected anxiety? I am here to tell you, there is always a root to one's triggers no matter how hard it is to pinpoint. I have been learning about behavioral patterns and different human habits. I am by no means a professional, but I thought I would just share something I have learned. There are so many different studies and theories on human behavior, but there is one in particular I wanted to write about called attachment theory .    What people experience as a child, form the ages of 0 to 5, contributes the most to the way they respond in relationships as adults. Attachment theory, first established by John Bowlby, was an observation of children's reactions on separation from their parents. Bowlby's collogue, Mary Ainsworth, started a study on the children's responses to their mothers leaving the room. In doing this she found a correl

Entry #1. Thoughts About Blogs

                             It has been very hard for me to find a blog I really like. I'm still not sure I have! A lot of them seem to be very superficial, mostly talking about celebrities, beauty standards, movies, etcetera. Blogs like Elle  and  People  that only write about the newest trends and celebrity gossip seem unnecessary and meaningless, and yet, somehow, they appeal to so many. Even blogs like   The Skinny Confidential , which is more of a personal profile, mostly talks about trending topics and beauty products. This is not to say all blogs are bad. Some blogs are very informational and help people, and I did manage to find a few that peaked my interest.   Pumps and Iron   is a blog about wellness and health. It even has a section on mental health which in that way keeps things real and honest. The blog is organized into different sections with headings such as workouts, recipes, aromatherapy, health, lifestyle, and a section about the writer. The tabs at the top of t


    Hi my name is Libbie Baughman! Recently I have taken an interest in health, mainly how to keep my body healthy with exercise and proper nutrition. I’ve always loved reading, writing, painting and drawing. I enjoy being transported to different worlds although I do love my own world and life. Something special about me is that I was born and raised in France. My old house was actually turned into an Airbnb! Have a look. I was actually born in the car on the way to the hospital because our village was so far from the city! One of my biggest pet peeves is when people interrupt. I find it so inconsiderate when someone doesn't have the patience to wait their turn. My ultimate goal is to have a Doctorate in Psychology. However, my main goal at present is to do well in school while still maintaining a goo d lifestyle and good relationshi ps with friends and family.